Bro how the fuck was this album their worst selling one since their debut, this is literally one of my favorite Korn albums like ever. Was it the album’s cover? Was it the stupid opinion of uncultured. Ignorant & retarded music reviewers? Both? Who knows, It guess it doesn’t really matter since it was still liked by fans, it still made money, Korn are still around and Jonathan Davis is just as sexy as ever.

       But the album itself is an absolute banger. It has that rare syndrome in the music industry that you can predominantly see in the entire discographies in the likes of System Of A Down, where all the songs in the album are sooooo so good, they are as good as that once in a month moment we’re you have a stomach ache and you manage to fart it away and thus stops being an inconvenience. Its fun, with devastating lyrics that any angsty teenagers with their heads up their asses, disturbed people and women during their periods will relate to.  This bad boy is all killer no filler. It's a brutal barrage of staccato beats, club-footed riffs and panzer-division stomps that fuck so hard they can fuck both your mom and dad at once, giving you time to go and play Minecraft at late hours in the night without being scolded.

      Like any good album I really don't have any words when it comes to this one as well, If you need an album to get you to listen to Korn for the first time, this album encapsulates that juicy style these mofos are known for. Maybe not as fun as Life is Peachy or Follow the Leader but goddamn is good.

Here's a link to a Youtube playlist of the album ( you do not want to watch the animated music video for the track "Right Now" trust me)